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SUPin' the Gold river

We have just introduced our new SUPtastic location! Beautiful Goldsborough Valley, just South of Cairns, is part of the Wooroonooran National Park. Not only is it an absolute delight to see and SUP, it has an awesome history...

Once the setting for the 1870's gold rush, the Goldsborough Valley campsite marks the start point for the 19km walking track called the Goldfield Trail. This takes you through Mount Bartle Frere to Babinda and takes between 7-9 hours. While we would love to walk that, we would prefer to enjoy the crystal clear waters by means of paddle board (enter sales pitch for SUP tour)!!! Its hard to believe that the area was once home to so many Europeans suffering from gold fever, that the settlement had 17 hotels and pubs. As the gold ran out in the mid 1900's, the majority of the miners moved on, leaving the remaining few to embark on a career change as farmers in the local area.

Kearney Falls is accessed from the campsite via a 1.7km return track. Although you are not allowed to swim in the falls due to high risk of injury and flash flooding (inflatable white water SUP territory), it is quite a sight to behold.

We are super excited about this spot. It's just a magical, breathtaking place and we want to take you there.....

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